Welcome to your Parent Problem Checklist
Disagreement over household rules (e.g. bedtime, play areas),
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Disagreement over type of discipline (e.g.smacking children)
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Disagreement over who should discipline the children
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Fighting in front of the children
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Inconsistency between parents
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Children preventing parents from being alone
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Disagreement about sharing childcare workloads
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Inability to resolve disagreements about childcare
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Discussions about childcare turning into arguments
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Parents undermining each other, (i.e. not backing each other up)
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Parents favouring one child over another
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Lack of discussion between parents about childcare
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?
Lack of discussion about anything
To what extent has this issue been a problem for you and your partner?